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*書名:Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach 
*分類: 社會科學 >


Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach

Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach
1 文件 (全文 1) WCBE
2 文件 (全文 2) WCBE
3 文件 (全文 3) WCBE
4 文件 (全文 4) WCBE
5 文件 CHAPTER 9 More on Specification and Data Issues   WCBE
6 文件 PART 2 Regression Analysis with Time Series Data   WCBE
7 文件 CHAPTER 11 Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data   WCBE
8 文件 CHAPTER 12 Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions   WCBE
9 文件 PART 3 Advanced Topics   WCBE
10 文件 CHAPTER 14 Advanced panel Data Methods   WCBE
11 文件 CHAPTER 15 Instrumental Variables estimation and two Stage Least Squares   WCBE
12 文件 CHAPTER 16 Simultaneous Equations Models   WCBE
13 文件 CHAPTER 17 Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections   WCBE
14 文件 CHAPTER 18 Advanced Time Series Topics   WCBE
15 文件 19 Carrying Out an Empirical Project   WCBE
16 文件 APPENDIX A Basic Mathematical Tools   WCBE
17 文件 APPENDIX B Fundamentals of Probability   WCBE
18 文件 APPENDIX C Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics   WCBE
19 文件 APPENDIX D Summary of Matrix Algebra   WCBE
20 文件 APPENDIX E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form   WCBE
21 文件 APPENDIX F Answers to Chapter Questions   WCBE

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